Is Your Marketing and Communications Agency a Good Fit?

Is Your Marketing and Communications Agency a Good Fit?

When was the last time you asked yourself, “Is my current marketing and communications agency a good fit?” It never hurts to assess your current business relationships, and your marketing agency is one of the most important relationships you have – they’re the ones responsible for getting your message out to your desired audience, and you need to make sure it’s working out.

No matter how creative a marketing and communications company claims to be, based on advertising awards or other less tangible results, the value added to your healthcare business is all that counts. Ask yourself these questions to see whether it’s time to move on to greener pastures.

Is the Agency Capitalizing on Digital Marketing Opportunities?

Traditional marketing can be expensive due to the high cost and lack of focus. Digital marketing offers a range of tools that can concentrate on specific targets while delivering a highly targeted message. If your agency is not comfortable with managing digital and social marketing, consider other options.

Does the Agency Really Know How to Gather, Analyze, and Target with Timely Data?

Data is king when identifying who is, or soon will be, a likely beneficiary of your healthcare products and services. Anticipating the right solutions for consumers at the appropriate time is a formula for success.

Is Healthcare Marketing and Communications Really in the Agency’s Wheelhouse?

While some say that “marketing is marketing,” the means and methods differ for each industry. Successful strategies in auto or fashion sales are clearly not ones that will work in healthcare. Make sure your agency knows the nuances of healthcare marketing?

How Does the Agency Measure Success?

Is your agency tracking revenue generated against the dollars they charge? Are they showing a clear ROI on your marketing investment with bankable results instead of “fluff” or anticipated outcomes? Measurement is the key to understanding performance. Calculating gains against the capital invested in a valid and sustainable way is an essential ongoing exercise.

Neither the least cost nor the highest cost agency is necessarily the best. Balancing the cost of sales and an actual ROI is the clearest way to determine performance.

Is it Time to Part Company?

Efficiently differentiating your services while targeting your specific audience is the route to success. If your healthcare organization is not achieving the desired results, it may be time to consider a change. Ready to take the next step? Call Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit to learn more about our marketing monsters and what they can do for you.

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